SVEN will grow with your kids

SVEN is a family electric pedal car

SVEN is a family smart electric pedal car. And it´s not just an empty phrase. The idea comes from love for family. To be specific, a father's love for his kids. The founder of SVEN, Mr. Vlado Nagy, is a happy father of two. And these two were the initial inspiration to create something useful and fun for him and his kids. Something they could share and enjoy together.

Thus, he teamed up with his friend, Mr. Maros Sklenica, who specializes in IT, and they came up with an idea - to create a smart electric pedal car that would bring together the worlds of children and adults: SVEN.

It was a tough job at the beginning: a small team in a small workshop on one side, and highly effective and idea-devoted people on the other. The initial budget allowed us to experience a deep-in-knowledge learning curve with many different design programmes, CNC machines, and 3D printers.

After two years of construction, CNC milling, and 3D printing of our dream-car, we´ve reached a successful point - a smart electric pedal car that anyone can assemble at home as a puzzle.

At this point, it was time to give SVEN some shape. The basic mockups and working prototype showed us that we are on a right path, but it was basically just a rolling chassis, so in order to make further progress, we had to give it shape and some extra functions. In this stage we started collaborating with the talented Luka Zajc, a professional product designer from Slovenia, who created a sleek and unique design for SVEN.

Today, we are thrilled to present a multifunctional smart electric pedal car with a clean design ready for testing and production. Help us drive further.

The Team

Vladimir Nagy

On one hand, he is the driving force of the whole project, who keeps all the strings together. On the other, a geek at heart who buries himself in the details so strong, we think we might never dig him out again. He handles multiple technological procedures, frame construction in 3D programmes, design, preparation and adjusting of the printable spare parts, CNC production, and CNC milling of the aluminum frame.

Ing. Maros Sklenica, MSc.

Engineer and consultant, the one who came up with ideas of SVEN´s smart features and co-funded the project. A true wizard who turns dreams into reality and always thinks three steps ahead. He keeps us believing that also we can move the line of inventiveness and make dreams a reality.

Jozef Kypus

The super-specialist in the field of electronics and electro-technics, his expertise are widely recognized in Slovakia and the Czech republic. It was in his hands, where all the electronics, documentation, and drawings were born and shaped, starting with the mounting base.

Luka Zajc

The professional industrial designer with an outstanding eye for detail, who has given SVEN a timeless, sleek design and added usability, for customers to use and enjoy forever.

Ing. Viliam Čačko, PhD.

Viliam is our technological consultant and quality controller who overlooks production documentation and supervises blueprints for every machined component.